1. http://www.orafaq.org/ - The Underground Oracle Frequently-Asked Questions List (especially the Oracle Database Administration pages)
3. http://www.orafans.com/ - ORACLE User Forum and Fans Club (especially the ORACLE Technical Papers pages).
4. http://exforsys.com - Very good site for Various Tutorials on All technologies and Career guidance
5. http://www.oraclefans.com/ - Info from various sites on their pages, such as machine-based FAQ's from faqs.org in their Links page.
6. http://www.fors.com/orasupp - More articles by Oracle Worldwide Customer Support. Includes some of the older Oracle Technical Bulletins.
7. http://www.dbresources.com/ - Scanning the web for Oracle articles or news? Check out this compilation.
8. http://my.ittoolbox.com/ - Oracle Forums and Articles
9. http://www.oracletuning.com/ - Scripts and articles for DBA's.
10. http://think-forward.com/ - Adelante, Ltd, Computer Consultants, with scripts and tips, including a UNIX to VMS Translation Table.
11. http://searchoracle.com/ - Tips, scripts, news, white papers, ask the experts, discussion forums - lots of neat stuff!
12. http://asktom.oracle.com/ - For any oracle question very useful site
13. http://www.psoug.org/links.html - Various Oracle Links
14. http://the-big-o.port5.com/ - Oracle Tips, Tricks, Hints, and How-To's, including Oracle Forms articles and general database articles.
15. http://education.oracle.com/ - Oracle Corporation's Education Site.
16. http://www.psoug.org/library.html - Oracle SQL and PLSQL Syntax
17. http://www.oracle-books.com/oracle - Rhubarb's Oracle Site (from which came the Oracle Technical Bulletins).
18. http://bijoos.com/oracle/index.htm - Biju's Oracle Page - Scripts, Utilities, Source code generators, etc.
19. http://www.szofi.hu/index_link.html#Oracle - Link Exchange - tons of links, Oracle and other programming languages and operating systems as well.
21. http://www.vb-bookmark.com/vbOracle.html - Oracle Bookmark with Oracle and Perl sites containing articles, tutorials, tips, tricks, guides, and samples.
25. http://www.tusc.com/oracle/download/categories.html - Years of PowerPoint presentations, including lots of Oracle 9i stuff.
27. http://www.orafaq.com/scripts/index.htm#GENPLSQL - For various useful SQL and PLSQL Scripts
28. http://www.osborne.com/downloads/downloads.shtml#J-L - For All the Codes of Java as well as other Languages
29. http://www.akhilamatrix.com/website_designing_basics.htm - Website Designing
30. http://home.clara.net/dwotton/dba/oracle_extn_rtn.htm - Calling External routines from PL/SQL.
31. http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/oracle/699/orahtml/index.html - A bunch of articles (tuning, etc.) for Oracle DBA's (another Rhubarb collection).
33. http://www.akadia.com/services/ora_interpreting_explain_plan.html - Nice articles about Performance Tuning
37. http://www.oracle.com/technology/oramag/oracle/06-nov/o66plsql.html - On Object Types in Collections)
38. http://www.intelligentedu.com/blogs/post/Best_New_Training_Sites/456/Fast- - Very good link for information about PLSQL and PLSQL Tuning
40. http://download-uk.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/server.920/a96533/toc.htm - Oracle Performance Tuning Guide
42. http://sql-plsql.blogspot.com/2007/03/sql-introduction.html - Basics of SQL and PLSQL
43. http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B10501_01/server.920/a96540/statements_103a.htm#2065826 - Various Clause of a SELECT statement.
44. http://www.enterprisedb.com/documentation/index.html - SQL and PLSQL Enterprise Book
45. http://www.oracle-developer.net/display.php?id=320 - Flashback version query in oracle 10g
46. http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/appdev.102/b14261/dynamic.htm#sthref1551 (Native Dynamic SQL)
A. SQL Plus Commands
1. http://igor.gold.ac.uk/oracle/9i/server.920/a90842/ch13.htm#1011230 - SQL Commands